Illustration of a buoy-based radio telemetry system deployed near a beach

2.4 Telemetry

Telemetry refers to the automatic measurement and wireless transmission of data from remote sensors to centralized data collection and management systems. Such technology is crucial for environmental monitoring, particularly in remote locations where real-time data is essential to meet regulatory requirements or to provide quick notice of environmental conditions. Telemetry systems can use various communication […]

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Set Up a NexSens Radio Network

Each XBEE radio module that ships with a NexSens radio X2 has a unique identifier. Both the base and field nodes use this identifier to establish connections throughout the radio network. All field radios in the network must have the identifier information for the base station as a destination for their logged data. An RF […]

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Check Antenna Connection on an X2-CB

The telemetry antenna for cellular or radio X2-CB loggers threads onto a dedicated RF connector port on top of the CB-plate. If signal strength or connection reliability issues occur in the field, check and inspect the condition of the RF antenna connection. Component Overview     Verify a Connection is Tight Grab the antenna bushing […]

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Configure X2 Base Radio Data Collection

The majority of X2-Series Radio Systems will arrive pre-configured. Aside from establishing power and sensor connections, users utilizing an X2 PC base radio station for communication will need to load and configure the CONNECT software to begin acquiring data via WQData LIVE. Note: An active internet connection on the PC running the CONNECT software is […]

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