BS1 sampling platform in its deployed position. The site is powered by a solar-powered battery, connects to the WQDataLive cloud service with a cellular modem, and collects temperature, salinity, oxygen, chlorophyll, turbidity, pH, and weather parameters. The site is located between two oyster aquaculture facilities in Morro Bay, CA.

Water Quality Monitoring in Morro Bay

California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Monitoring efforts in Morro Bay have been ongoing for decades, studying the inputs of the bay’s tributaries, the outputs of the bay, and water quality conditions over time. For the past 18 years, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo (Cal Poly, SLO) has managed various monitoring stations in the bay and estuary. The project […]

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LEA Staff Limnologist Maggie Welch on board buoy boat as it approaches Long Lake, Maine deployment site.

Combining Real-Time Monitoring with Discrete Sampling in Maine

Lakes Environmental Association

In recent years, freshwater lakes in Maine have become threatened by the changing climate, changes in water quality, increases in harmful algal bloom frequency and severity, and the spread of invasive flora and fauna. In order to protect lake resources, various interest groups have stepped forward to provide data that inform environmental policy and lead […]

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Illustration of an internal logger device (PME miniDOT) connected to a laptop and a telemetric logger (NexSens X3 data logger) connected remotely. The internal device is to the left of the laptop and the telemetric logger is on the right.

2.3 Data Loggers

Data logger is a broad term that may refer to any device that stores sensor measurement data. Many smart sensors integrate on-board data logging electronics. However, for the purposes of environmental data logging, systems typically include dedicated data logger units that can interface with multiple sensor types and, in many cases, transmit the data. Data […]

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Emerald Isle ferry data

Emerald Isle Ferry Data

Central Michigan University

Aboard the Emerald Isle ferry, a YSI EXO2 and NexSens Technology data logger track Lake Michigan’s water quality from Charlevoix, Michigan to Beaver Island.

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