Data Export Predefined Tag List

The following list contains descriptions for the Predefined Tag names under the data export tool using the GLOSXML or NDBCXML format.

atmp1Air temperature (deg. C)
baro1Air pressure adjusted to sea level, primary sensor (hPa)
baro2Air pressure adjusted to sea level, secondary sensor
dewpt1Dew point temperature (deg. C)
doYSI DO (mg/L)
domYSI DOM (ug/L)
dompdDominant period of waves (sec)
dosatYSI DO%
gust1Wind gust, sensor 1
gust2Wind gust, sensor 2 if equipped
mwdirMean Wave Direction (deg)
orpYSI ORP (mv)
phYSI pH
sp001Salinity from uppermost CT (PSU)
sp002Salinity at <dp002>
sp003Salinity at <dp003>
sp004Salinity at <dp004>
sp005Salinity at <dp005>
sp006Salinity at <dp006>
sp007Salinity at <dp007>
sp008Salinity at <dp008>
sp009Salinity at <dp009>
spcondYSI SpCond (uS/cm)
srad1Short wave radiation (W/m**2)
tp001Temperature from uppermost CT (Celsius)
tp002Temperature at <dp002>
tp003Temperature at <dp003>
tp004Temperature at <dp004>
tp005Temperature at <dp005>
tp006Temperature at <dp006>
tp007Temperature at <dp007>
tp008Temperature at <dp008>
tp009Temperature at <dp009>
uv001Eastward water velocity (cm/s)
uv002Eastward water velocity at <dv002>
uv003Eastward water velocity at <dv003>
uv004Eastward water velocity at <dv004>
uv005Eastward water velocity at <dv005>
uv006Eastward water velocity at <dv006>
uv007Eastward water velocity at <dv007>
uv008Eastward water velocity at <dv008>
uv009Eastward water velocity at <dv009>
vv001Northward water velocity (cm/s)
vv002Northward water velocity at <dv002>
vv003Northward water velocity at <dv003>
vv004Northward water velocity at <dv004>
vv005Northward water velocity at <dv005>
vv006Northward water velocity at <dv006>
vv007Northward water velocity at <dv007>
vv008Northward water velocity at <dv008>
vv009Northward water velocity at <dv009>
wdir1Direction from which the wind is coming, sensor 1
wdir2Wind direction, sensor 2 if equipped
wspd1Wind speed, sensor 1 (m/s)
wspd2Wind speed, sensor 2 if equipped
wtmp1Water temperature (deg. C)
wvhgtSignificant wave height (meters)
ysibgarfuYSI BGA (phycocyanin RFU)
ysichlrfuYSI Chlorophyll (RFU)
ysiturbntuYSI Turbidity (NTU)
zchl1Chlorophyll concentration (ug/l) tide1,Water level (meters above MLLW)”
zox10Dissolved oxygen, % of saturation (near bottom)
zox3Dissolved oxygen, % of saturation (near surface)
zox4Dissolved oxygen concentration (mg/l) (near surface)
zox9Dissolved oxygen concentration (mg/l) (near bottom
ztrb1Turbidity (Formazine Turbidity Units, FTU)