Mike Voellmecke, founder of Miljø og Vann AS standing on a mountain

Territory: Norway, Europe
Home office: Nesodden, Norway
Year founded: 2021

Founded in 2021, Miljø og Vann AS serves as a local NexSens value-added distributor for the delivery of buoy-based and other monitoring solutions in Europe. Though relatively new to the industry, the company has made a name for itself through involvement in critical infrastructure projects, environmental remediation, natural resource exploration and environmental research.

The company founder, Mike Voellmecke, attained a bachelor’s degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the University of Dayton (2011), specializing in Sustainability, Energy and the Environment (SEE). After graduating, Mike worked at NexSens Technology as an Applications Engineer and Business Development Manager before moving to Norway in 2015, where he continued to promote NexSens systems as well as other sensors and systems to the Scandinavian market.

Over the years, Mike was actively involved in technical sales, system integration, tech support, field services, consulting, marketing and product development. After moving, Voellmecke worked on many environmental and geotechnical monitoring projects and had office and field roles.

Miljø og Vann AS was founded in order to build off the years of experience Voellmecke had working with automated environmental monitoring systems and to provide an expanded range of services and solutions in Norway and throughout Europe. Voellmecke cites the following as the company’s three primary goals:

  1. Form strategic partnerships with suppliers built on longstanding relationships and offer superior solutions for various environmental monitoring applications.
  2. Offer comprehensive services, including consulting, technical sales, field installation and maintenance, and ongoing technical support throughout the project lifespan.
  3. Develop long-lasting, highly personalized relationships with clients to build trust and deliver end-to-end solutions that exceed expectations.

The company specializes in multiple facets of environmental monitoring. “From an equipment standpoint, we are most specialized in delivery of multi-sensor, buoy-based water quality monitoring systems, but in a broader sense, in the responsiveness and attention to detail required for success in challenging applications,” summarizes Voellmecke.

He continues, “Being a region rich in water resources with a particular awareness and focus on environmental conservation, NexSens offers ideal solutions for most any application calling for water quality monitoring.” These solutions include projects ranging from early warning systems to long-term research into the effects of climate change.

Having worked with NexSens in various forms for over a decade, Voellmecke is familiar with the benefits of NexSens’ environmental systems. He explains, “NexSens offers cutting edge systems that deliver the reliability needed for performance in harsh environments with a high level of support to back it up.”

For inquiries in Norway, Miljø og Vann AS can be reached at the following:

Phone: +47 46 33 06 56

Email: [email protected]