It may be necessary to exclude certain data sets from an iChart report. This may be desired if bad readings are generated due to sensor communication error.

1. Open iChart.

2. Generate a new report by clicking Report | New Report or open an existing report by clickingReport | Open Report.

3. Open the “Report Tools” panel by clicking View | Report Tools

Figure 1: Advanced Tab


4. Open the advanced tab of the Report Tools panel by selecting the bottom right icon on the panel.

5. Select which parameter the exclusion should be made for in the top navigation tree.

Note: An exception can be made for an entire data logger or site if desired.

6. The “Include Data” section is where exclusions may be made.

  • A max, min, or range can be selected, depending on what is desired.
  • X represents the parameter value

REV: 13G18

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