Transfer Script Files via Bluetooth (BLE 5.0)

The X3 Environmental Data Logger has built-in Bluetooth connectivity (BLE 5.0). Using the CONNECT software (version or later), users can transfer script files between the X3 and a PC. The CONNECT software will turn off the logger’s internal schedule to avoid any interference with the transfer process.

Bluetooth File Transfer Process

Prior to proceeding, verify that your PC or laptop is compatible with Bluetooth BLE 5.0. This step ensures a seamless transfer process. Additionally, disable the Bluetooth of any nearby devices during the transfer to prevent any potential connection issues. NexSens recommends the tp-link Bluetooth 5.0 Nano USB Adapter as an affordable Bluetooth adapter option. 

  1. Connect the X2 logger to a PC and launch the CONNECT software. Test the connection by reading the logger’s RTC clock in the CONFIG tab.
  2. From the CONFIG tab, select Transfer script file to X3 (BLE)…

Figure 1: Script transfer Bluetooth utility.


  1. The CONNECT software will open up the local file directory. Select the script file to transfer. Once the script is selected, the Script File Transfer (BLE) utility will display.
    1. Note: All script files must begin with the 4-character ‘sens’, followed by the 4-digit script number, and then end with the ‘.lua’ file extension (e.g., sens2020.lua).

Figure 2: Script File Transfer (BLE) utility.


  1. Review the script’s file path at the top of the utility. If the incorrect file is selected, use the Browse option to select the correct file.
  2. Confirm that the device name matches the logger’s body tag. Then, select the X3MAIN device with the proper body tag.
    1. If the incorrect logger or no logger is displayed, cycle power (disconnect and re-connect the power source) on the logger and then select Re-Scan. 
    2. If the logger is still not shown, double-check the Bluetooth settings on the connecting device. 
  3. Once the proper logger is selected, enter the last five digits of the logger’s body tag (e.g., 25499) as the Passcode.
  4. Select Start at the bottom and then Yes if you want to transfer the script file to the X3.
  5. The utility will display the progress of the file transfer.

Figure 3: File transfer in progress.


  1. Once complete, select Yes to exit the firmware update tool or No to transfer additional script files. Confirm the script has been successfully transferred by reading the updated script list.